UV LED Disinfection helps fight coronavirus

For many years UV light has been used in the fight to destroy harmful bacteria and viruses. Mobile and fixed UV light installations have been used to disinfect equipment used in hospitals, dentists, laboratories and in food preparation. With the continuing coronavirus pandemic, the focus has turned to the use of these methods across many varied industries and applications. In an effort to halt the spread of these deadly viruses, entire buses and trains are now being disinfected using UV light systems.

UV lamps are operating in a high-pressure environment and must achieve their effect quickly. However, they are often subjected to contaminants from aggressive cleaning agents and moisture. Silicone encapsulants are a perfect choice to provide protection for the LEDs and delicate electronic circuitry. They provide electrical insulation, physical protection from vibration, and a superb barrier to moisture and chemicals.

To effectively kill viruses, high intensities of light in the UVC region (200 to 280 nm) are required. Disinfection lamps typically operate at around a wavelength of 250 nm.

Any optically transparent silicone encapsulant chosen for this application requires high transmittance levels at the targeted wavelengths and be resistant to yellowing.

Both QSil 214 and QSil 216 are tough, durable, optically transparent silicone encapsulants with excellent transmittance levels across the UV spectrum.


Download the brochure here to get more details.

If you would like to discuss your application or find out more on the CHT product range, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Sector German title English title Type Date Language
Material SolutionsSilikone für UV DesinfektionsleuchtenSilicones for UV Disinfection LampsTechnical information20.07.2020