Textile Care Solutions | Entretien des textiles

Textile washing expertise with a holistic view

A lot helps a lot? Not at all! Use the full potential of your laundry

Laundry operators are facing the daily balancing act between quality, economy and ecology. It is not uncommon for compromises to have to be accepted.

Important criteria are the washing result, but also the protection of the textiles in order not to unnecessarily shorten their shelf life. At the end of the day, of course, the washing result in terms of whiteness, handle and finish is what counts.

All this in consideration of the most economical use of energy, water and detergent.


As individual as your laundry! We help you to get the most out of your facility

We successfully support you in meeting the challenges of modern textile care. With our smart CHT Wash Solutions you benefit from our professional competence along the entire textile chain. Together with your professional expertise we develop the suitable and comprehensive system solution for you.

The combination of speciality chemistry, process and dosing technology as well as profound knowledge from permanent exchange with machine manufacturers, makes us the ideal partner for all textile care processes.


As much as necessary, as little as possible

It's that simple. CHT Wash Solutions are based on this basic and obvious principle: to use exactly as much chemistry, water and energy for washing as it is necessary - always depending on the type of laundry and the respective degree of soiling.


Please contact our experts. We are happy to help you!

You can learn more about our innovative processes and products on the following pages 

Solutions parfaites pour votre linge

  • Une gamme complète de produits innovants pour tous les domaines de l’entretien textile moderne
  • Technologie de dosage compacte et performante
  • Expertise tout au long de la chaîne textile
  • Services efficaces se composant d’analyses de laboratoire, de conseil et formation, de sécurité des produits et de protection pour l’environnement
  • Services-conseils dans le domaine de la gestion de l'énergie pour les blanchisseries industrielles
  • Solutions en système taillées sur mesure aux besoins du client
  • Des procédés de lavage innovants et très performants tels que SMART UV POWER ou SMART PROTECTION



Secteur Titre allemand Titre anglais Type Date Langue
Textile Care SolutionsSMART TECHNOLOGY | Intelligente Services für WäschereienSMART TECHNOLOGY | Intelligent Services for LaundriesePaper19.03.2024
Textile Care SolutionsSMART UV POWER WaschverfahrenSMART UV POWER Washing SystemePaper19.02.2024
Textile Care SolutionsSMART EXCELLENT WaschverfahrenSMART EXCELLENT Washing SystemBrochure26.04.2023
Textile Care SolutionsSMART PROTECTION | Schonendes WaschenSMART PROTECTION | Gentle washingInformation technique21.09.2022
Textile Care SolutionsBEIBLEACH POWER ACTIVE WaschverfahrenBEIBLEACH POWER ACTIVE washing systemBrochure18.03.2021

Offre  Textile Care Solutions | Entretien des textiles

Types de produit

  • Adoucissants
  • Agents améliorant le degré de blanc
  • Agents antistatiques
  • Agents de blanchiment et de désinfection
  • Agents de neutralisation
  • Agents neutralisant les odeurs
  • Apprêt de protection
  • Apprêts
  • Azurants optiques
  • Détergents
  • Enzymes
  • Imperméabilisation à l'eau / l'huile
  • Mouillants
  • Séquestrants
  • Tampons alcalins

Veuillez sélectionner au moins un type de produit

Gammes de produit

  • CHT
  • DEHA

Veuillez sélectionner au moins une gamme de produit

Standards and Labels

  • ZDHC

Veuillez sélectionner au moins un label de produit