
Modern textile finishing offers a variety of effects on a wide range of textiles. In addition to an appealing touch, functions such as high wearing comfort, moisture management, water repellency or ease-care properties are decisive criteria when purchasing a textile. Depending on the requirements profile, our finishing agents can be used to implement a wide range of customer wishes.

From yarn to textile

Finishing is an indispensable part of the textile finishing chain. Not only fashionable effects can be achieved with the auxiliaries used, but also special usage properties such as good sewability of the textile or good running properties of yarns.

Our high-quality and efficient products facilitate the industrial processing of yarns and textiles and ensure smooth, reproducible processes.

Keeping an eye on the future

We offer a balanced product mix of proven auxiliaries and innovative solutions. Especially when it comes to new developments, we focus on sustainable criteria in order to support our customers in producing textiles more ecologically.

We therefore already offer finishing agents in our range that contain a high share of renewable or recycled raw materials.


Solution-oriented service

Our highly motivated and specialized team has many years of experience and supports you in finding the optimal product for your requirement profile. In our laboratories, we have a wide range of testing options at our disposal to develop tailor-made solutions for our customers.

We are guaranteed to find the best possible, most sustainable solution for your requirements and provide you with competent, future-oriented support.


Solution approaches for sustainable finishing agents:





Secteur Titre allemand Titre anglais Type Date Langue
Textile Auxiliary SolutionsTake up the Thread | Ausrüstung von Garnen und FädenTake up the Thread | Finishing of yarns and threadsePaper28.06.2023
Textile Auxiliary SolutionsECOPERL YWR | Nachhaltiger Wasser-StoppECOPERL YWR | Sustainable Water BarrierBrochure18.01.2021
Textile Auxiliary SolutionsTUBINGAL RISE | Recycelter WeichmacherTUBINGAL RISE | Recycled SoftenerBrochure26.10.2020
Textile Auxiliary SolutionsARRISTAN rAIR | Aus Abfall Werte schöpfenARRISTAN rAIR | From waste to valueePaper19.10.2022
Textile Auxiliary SolutionsECOPERL & TUBIGUARD | Hilfsmittel für FunktionstextilienECOPERL & TUBIGUARD | Auxiliaries for Functional TextilesePaper26.09.2024
Textile Auxiliary SolutionsSicher und frisch mit starker PerformanceSafe and fresh with a strong performanceBrochure09.08.2018
Textile Auxiliary SolutionsFormaldehydfreie ProdukteFormaldehyde-free productsBrochure06.11.2017

Offre ▸ Apprêt

Types de produit

  • Adoucissants
  • Agents anti-glissant
  • Agents antistatiques
  • Agents d'hydrophilisation
  • Agents de paraffinage des fils
  • Agents de remplissage et de raidissement
  • Agents modifiant la surface et le toucher
  • Apprêts fonctionnels
  • Auxiliaires de sanforisation
  • Avivages de fils à coudre
  • Avivages de grattage
  • Imperméabilisation à l'eau / l'huile
  • Produits spéciaux
  • Résines synthétiques et additifs

Veuillez sélectionner au moins un type de produit

Gammes de produit

  • iSys
  • NouWell

Veuillez sélectionner au moins une gamme de produit

Standards and Labels

  • C2C
  • GOTS
  • ZDHC

Veuillez sélectionner au moins un label de produit