Fluorocarbon chemistry – CHT positions itself with a clear agenda

Only if the use of fluorocarbons (FC) serves to protect mankind and nature and if there are no technical alternatives, the CHT Group will continue to use and offer products based on FC C6 chemistry. These application fields for technical textiles are clearly defined and are implemented by CHT all over the world without exceptions.

At the moment there are no alternative, fluorine-free substances that can meet the required specifications for the repellency of chemicals, blood, alcohol and oil for protective clothing, textiles in the transportation sector, medical textiles and environmental filters.

Textiles for these applications serve to protect mankind and to a certain extent the environment. Therefore, very strict and partly statutory production and test regulations apply for these textiles.

In addition, contrary to all expectations, no legal restrictions on the use of FC C6 chemistry in textile production have been adopted, neither globally nor in the EU.

The European Union, however, is planning a general prohibition for the use of FC C8 chemistry as of June 30, 2020 which may be extended to 2022 for certain applications. Nevertheless, the CHT Group has decided in a clear self-commitment on a worldwide discontinuation of the substance class FC C8 chemistry already by December 31, 2017. This decision was taken by the management as a future-oriented step in accordance with the strong sustainability commitment.

Typical clothing textiles, home textiles, sportswear and other application segments are served with fluorine-free products from our ECOPERL range. These products already meet all specifications and market demands for these application fields.

We already offer FC-free alternatives in the market, also for technical textile applications, based on our intensive R&D activities. For the CHT Group, sustainable products are the best guarantee for the future.


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