In times of rising energy costs a responsible use of natural resources and efficient processes are more and more important.
SMART PROTECTION meets these demands: At 70 °C the laundry is reliably cleaned, disinfected and simultaneously gently treated within a very short time.
The process concept is based on the Sinner's Circle which defines the washing process as interplay of temperature, time, mechanics and chemicals. SMART PROTECTION washes at higher temperatures than common disinfectant processes with a reduced washing time and using fewer chemicals. The additional energy consumption is compensated by the savings in time and chemicals.
The SMART PROTECTION process is listed according to § 18 IfSG for the efficiency ranges A and B at the Robert-Koch institute.
Due to the low washing auxiliary quantities the SMART PROTECTION process protects the environment.
It has additionally a low COD value and can be effected without using disinfectants or bleaching agents which contain peracetic acid. Finally, SMART PROTECTION reliably provides for constantly low afterwashing quota, which additionally sustains the resources.
The optimisation of the required time and chemicals in use leads to a total saving in costs of up to 29 %. Due to the reduced cycle time the capacities can be increased. The low chemical quantity compensates for the higher energy consumption caused by the higher washing temperature.
The combination of SMART PROTECTION protects textiles and can be applied on all common laundry types.
The SMART PROTECTION process can be combined with the common products of CHT and can be optimally adjusted to the various demands made on the laundry.