COTOBLANC SEL | Efficient saving of water, energy and time in VARIO SOAPING

Variable. More Variable.

Less is more with innovative VARIO SOAPING: COTOBLANC SEL reduces the number of rinsing baths to a minimum in aftersoaping of reactive dyeing. An optimal soaping result is obtained with only 3 rinsing and soaping baths independent of the hardness degree and the salt content. In addition the rinsing and soaping temperature can be reduced to 40 °C (depending on the applied reactive system).


Application fields

Soaping of reactive dyeing at temperatures of 40 to 98 °C depending on the applied reactive dye.

Ideal process optimisation is obtainable in combination with VARIO BLEACH 3E  (bleaching at 70 °C), BEZAKTIV GO (dyeing at 40 °C) and VARIO SOAPING with COTOBLANC SEL (rinsing and soaping at 40°C).






COTOBLANC SEL advantages:

  • Soaping at 40 - 98°C
  • Optimal soaping result hardness degree and salt content
  • Anti-cross staining
  • Saving of water and energy by shorter process
  • Optimisation potential depending on applied reactive system


Sector German title English title Type Date Language
Textile Auxiliary SolutionsCOTOBLANC SEL | VARIO SOAPINGCOTOBLANC SEL | VARIO SOAPINGTechnical information02.08.2019